119 research outputs found

    Recent Studies in Andean Prehistory and Protohistory: Papers from the Second Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory

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    The contributions in this volume represent nine of the twenty-three papers presented at the Second Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory (NCAAE) held at the American Museum of Natural History on November 19-20, 1983. Papers include The Preceramic and Formative Period Occupations in the Cordillera Negra: Preliminary Report by Michael A. Malpass, The Early Horizon--Early Intermediate Period Transition: A View from the Nepena and Viru Valleys by Richard E. Daggett, Paracas in Chincha and Pisco: A Reappraisal of the Ocucaje Sequence by Dwight T. Wallace, Impressions in Metal: Reconstructing Burial Context at Loma Negra, Peru by Anne-Louise Schaeffer, The Moche Moon by Elizabeth P. Benson, Archaeological Investigation in the Andean Piedmont and High Llanos of Western Venezuela: A Preliminary Report by Charles S. Spencer and Elsa M. Redmond, Pachacamac--An Andean Oracle Under Inca Rule by Thomas C. Patterson, The Spanish League and Inca Sites: A Reassessment of the Itinerary of Juan de Matienzo through N.W. Argentina by Gordon C. Pollard, and Written Sources on Andean Cosmogony by George Kubler.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/andean_past_special/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Pharmacokinetics of enteric coated mycophenolate sodium in lupus nephritis (POEMSLUN)

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    Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) or enteric coated mycophenolate sodium (EC-MPS) and steroids are used for induction and maintenance therapy in severe lupus nephritis (LN). Blood concentrations of mycophenolic acid (MPA), the active metabolite of these drugs varies among LN patients. The objective of this study was to examine whether concentration controlled (CC) dosing (via therapeutic drug monitoring) of EC-MPS result in a higher proportion of participants achieving target exposure of MPA compared to fixed dosing (FD). An additional aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of CC dosing on clinical outcomes.Nineteen participants were randomly assigned either to FD or CC group. All the participants were eligible to have free and total measurements of MPA over a period of 8-12 hours on three different occasions. Area under the concentration-time curve between 0 and 12 hours (AUC0-12) was calculated using non-compartmental method. Dose of EC-MPS was titrated according to AUC0-12 in the CC group.Thirty-two AUC0-12 measurements were obtained from 9 FD and 9 CC participants. Large interpatient variability was observed in both groups but was more pronounced in FD group. There were no significant differences between FD and CC participants in any pharmacokinetic parameters across the study visits except for total C0 (FD 2.0 ± 0.3 mg/L vs. CC 1.1 ± 0.3; p = 0.01) and dose-normalised C0 (FD 2.9 ± 0.2 mg/L/g vs. CC 2.1 ± 0.7 mg/L/g; p = 0.04) at the second visit and total AUC0-12 (FD 66.6 ± 6.0 mg[BULLET OPERATOR]h/L vs. CC 35.2 ± 11.4 mg[BULLET OPERATOR]h/L; p = 0.03) at the third visit. At the first study visit, 33.3% of the FD and 11.1% of the CC participants achieved the target AUC (p = 0.58). From the second visit, none of the FD participants, compared to all the CC participants, achieved target AUC0-12 (p = 0.01). More CC participants achieved remission compared to FD participants (absolute difference of -22.2, 95% confidence interval -0.19-0.55; p = 0.62). The mean free MPA AUC0-12 was significantly lower in those who had complete remission.CC participants reached target AUC0-12 quicker. Larger studies are required to test clinical efficacy.This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal

    Conceptual Art

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    Providing a re-examination of what Osborne identifies as a major turning point in contemporary art, this monograph takes a chronological and stylistic look at conceptual art from its “pre-history” (1950-1960) to contemporary practices that use conceptual strategies. Osborne surveys the development of the movement in relation to the social, cultural and political contexts within which it evolved. With extended captions, key works are compiled according to ten themes that also serve to present a collection of critical texts, artists’ statements, interviews and commentaries. Includes biographical notes on artists (6 p.) and authors (2 p.), a bibliography (2 p.) and an onomastic index (4 p.) Circa 150 bibl. ref

    The Mazapan Maps of Teotihuacan in 1560

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    Los planos de San Francisco Mazapan retratan las ruinas del centro de Teotihuacan, con la pirámide de la Luna y la Ciudadela, en un área construida entre 150 a. C. y 750d. C. Estos tres planos, él de Nueva York (American Museum of Natural History, Plano Saville), él de Chicago (Newberry Library, Plano Ayer) y el de San Francisco Mazapan (ubicación desconocida) deben ser fechados como del año 1560 d. C. Las glosas en náhuatl fueron agregadas con posterioridad, posiblemente a principios del siglo XVll. Son similares en muchos detalles. El plano de Mazapan es una copia del siglo XIX (ubicación desconocida ) de un original perdido y puede provenir de una fuente primaria (también perdida). Se considera suposición en la historia de la cartografía de Teotihuacan y su relación con la mitología y cosmología aztecas es establecida en la ponencia. Los planos enseñan construcciones coloniales hoy en día destruidas y delinean propietarios indígenas, límites y cosechas. Muchas localidades de Teotihuacan están identificadas, así como lugares de interés arqueológico y mitológico. Ofrece un retrato de la vida colonial de la época temprana en una inmensa ruina precolombina, continua describiendo la situación cultural de Teotihuacan de la era después del abandono en el siglo Vlll d. C., según un patrón mesoamericano de ruina súbita, seguido por el retorno a la agricultura en grandes ciudades de piedra y yeso

    Aztec Calendar of 20,176 Non-Repeating Years in Codex Borhonicus, pp. 21-22

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    A partir de 1880 se han hecho numerosos esfuerzos infructuosos por explicar la relación de una aparente rueda calendárica marcada por 52 días portadores del año en secuencia regular, con una secuencia enigmática de los nueve Señores de la Noche. La conexión pretendida por el escriba precolombino, sin embargo, era simple. Se explica perfectamente al comprobar que la intrincada secuencia de los nueve Señores de la Noche se convierte en una serie repetida de 20.176 vagos años solares de 365 días, luego de completar dos expansiones periódicas de la aparente rueda calendárica. Estas expansiones constan de (7 x 52) + 1 = 365, y (8 x 52) + 1 = 417, como se muestra en el cuadro 4. Todas las condiciones de la computación calendárica mesoamericana son satisfechas con la solución de presumir una sola continuidad (comprobada en 1929 por J.E.S. Thompson para la serie maya de los nueve Señores de la Noche). La solución propuesta aquí para estas dos páginas del Códice Borbónico, ni origina problemas intrínsecos a la rueda calendárica ampliada conectada con los nueve Señores de la Noche, ni es refutada por ninguna otra fuente primaria conocida

    Jaguars in the valley of México

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    Jaguars appear to be more clever at Teotihuacán than jaguars anywhere else in the Mesoamerican world. They seem on first acquaintance to perform a whole variety show of trained animal acts, such as straddling corn-grinding tables, wearing flowers and feathered ruffs, blowing on shell trumpets, swimming among waves, and shaking rattles. They appear both as cubs and as gravid cats. Men dress up as jaguars, and jaguars wear netted garments

    Arquitectura de los Siglos XVII y XVIII

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